In this episode, Maria and Rory talk about sharing and discuss lots of useful vocabulary related to the topic!
  • Sentimental value (noun) - the value of an object deriving from personal or emotional associations rather than material worth.
  • Sappy (adj.) - over-sentimental.
  • Carpool (noun) - an arrangement between people to make a regular journey in a single vehicle, typically with each person taking turns to drive the others.
  • Prevalent (adj.) - widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.

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Questions and answers
Maria: Do you like sharing things with other people?

Rory: It really depends on what those things are. If they have some kind of sentimental value to me then no, I don’t like to share them. But if it’s something that, you know, is not so valuable, then that’s fine, I think.

Maria: What things do you like to share with others?

Rory: Well, I quite like sharing books with people because I’ve built up quite a collection over the years, but there is not anywhere to put them really, so I wind up having to give them away, really. So it’s OK to share books in that sense, I think.

Maria: Do you think it’s important to share?

Rory: It’s like I said previously. Some things are quite important to share with other people. So we could talk about things like physical things, for example. We could also talk about things like space. You need to be willing to share space with other people. Or if we talk about work environments as well, then you need to be willing to share your ideas with other people as well. So in these senses it’s important to share. But there are some things that just cannot be shared. So for those things, it’s not so important to share them.

Maria: Did your parents teach you about sharing?

Rory: Well, my parents did partially. But I also grew up with several siblings as well, and they taught me about the value of sharing as well, in their own way.

Maria: What are the things your parents told you not to share with anyone?

Rory: Well, if we can be a little bit sappy for a moment, they told me not to share my heart with too many people because, of course, it’s important to share your life with someone, but only one special person.

Maria: I’m deeply touched! Dear listeners, Rory is sharing his heart on this podcast.
Do you think that more people will share cars in the future?

Rory: I actually think carpooling is a really cool idea. And yes, I’m pretty convinced that it will be quite, well, more prevalent. Yes, that’s the word I’m looking for. You already have carpooling apps, but there seem to be more and more as time goes by. And the reason for that, I think, is money in the main because it’s cheaper when you share things. But also, there’s the social advantage as well. When you are meeting new people, when you’re sharing a ride, for example. So yeah…
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