M: Yeah, it's just like a fact. So that's okay. So if I had to watch something, it would be rugby or martial arts. Mixed martial arts, where people want what? To inflict pain on each other? They are very aggressive?
R: No. They use different martial arts techniques to subdue their opponents. That is very different to just inflicting as much pain as possible as anyone who has seen that will know.
M: I thought they wanted to knock them down, like to knock down.
R: Well, if you knock someone down, then you subdue them.
M: Oh, okay. So if they beat the stuffing out of them, that's also this subdue, right?
R: No, it's not the point.
M: No? Ah, come on, but you have like two people, one needs to win. So the winner will beat the stuffing out of the other one. That's the point. No?
R: No, that is not the point. That is only the point, if you are a very violent person. No, the point is to make sure that your opponent doesn't win by subduing them, by preventing them from fighting further. I mean, the easiest way to do that would be knocking someone out. But that's not the best way of doing it. That certainly wouldn't win you the most points in any sort of match, to be honest.
M: But when a person goes to martial arts, or when a person watches martial arts, they are quite violent and aggressive, right?
R: No, because I do that. And I'm not a violent or aggressive person.
M: Oh, maybe deep inside Rory?
R: No.
M: Maybe like it's your dark side?
R: It's too much work.
M: Oh, okay, sweet. So you see, if I had to watch something, it would be mixed martial arts, rugby, swimming, the Olympic Games, the Olympic Games. Yep? And Rory says that, no, I'd rather read or write, right? So I'd rather instead of watching stupid sports programmes, I'd rather read or write or I'd rather play computer games. So you see, I'd rather do this because I don't like your sports programmes. And that's fine to say that I don't like them. Just explain why you don't like them. Yeah? And the examiner will ask you some strange questions, yeah? And Rory goes like, well, it doesn't really stick out in my memory. It doesn't really stick out in my memory. Rory, what does it mean?