Maria: Let's talk about newspapers and magazines. Do you read news in newspapers or on the Internet?
Rory: It's usually on the Internet, actually, I can't really afford or organize a subscription... That's actually faster that way, I suppose.
Maria: Do you think the Internet is a good way to get news?
Rory: Um, I suppose if it's simple or factual information about events, then yes. But there are a lot of opinion pieces out there that I don't like.
Maria: Which do you prefer: reading magazines or newspapers?
Rory: Um, I suppose if I have to choose one, it's probably going to be reading newspapers. I find magazines to be a bit frivolous most of the time.
Maria: Do you often read newspapers?
Rory: Well, online - probably once a day and then offline - usually when I'm home. My parents and I like doing the crosswords and making fun of some of the court reports in the local paper.
Maria: How old were you when you started reading newspapers?
Rory: Oh, God, probably before I was born, actually. My parents are both journalists, so reading and writing is sort of in my blood. I guess if you want a more serious answer, it's probably when I was six or seven or eight, my dad used to bring home the paper every day. So we just read it, normally.
Maria: Do you think it's important to read newspapers?
Rory: In print form, probably not so much these days when you can get all the information you need online whenever you want it. Although, on the other hand, if you read the paper once a day, it might be good for just preventing information overload, to be honest.
Maria: How do newspapers attract readers?
Rory: Um, well, I guess by advertising and appealing to tradition in the main, um, maybe there are some services that they offer for younger people, but it seems to be usually like older, more traditional people that they try to get the attention of.
Maria: What effect do newspapers have on society?
Rory: Um, well, in some places where communication infrastructure isn't so well developed, it might be crucial for information sharing. Um, and without them, civil society couldn't really function. More broadly, they're a big part of opinion formation on the issues of the day.
Maria: Is news important to you?
Rory: Well, yeah, you've got to know what's going on and it's important to be well informed. But if I read more than once a day, I'd probably get depression from all the bad things that people report on.
Maria: How often do you read the news?
Rory: Um, like I say, just once a day. Otherwise, it's probably not going to have a good effect on my mental health.
Maria: Do you prefer to read local or international news?
Rory: Well, I guess they're bound up together since Russia and the UK are major countries. So anything that happens on the local level there usually has some impact internationally.